Prayers Today: Monday, December 23, 2024
Mecca is located at 4302.92 kilometers from Bettembourg, the time difference is -2 hours.
Muslim salat times in Bettembourg today, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib & Isha'a. Get Islamic prayer time in Bettembourg.
Prayer times today in Bettembourg will start at 06:22 (Imsak) and finish at 18:31 (Isha). Bettembourg Luxembourg is located at 4302.92 km South East to Mecca.
Prayer times list for today 06:22 (Imsak), 06:32 (Fajr), 08:30 (Sunrise), 12:34 (Dhuhr), 14:22 (Asr), 16:39 (Sunset), 16:39 (Maghrib), 18:31 (Isha).
Latitude: 49.5192118
Longitude: 6.1002461
Altitude: 0
November 2024 Bettembourg |
December 2024 Bettembourg |
January 2025 Bettembourg |
February 2025 Bettembourg |
March 2025 Bettembourg |
Esch-sur-Alzette | 8.51 km |
Luxembourg City | 10.53 km |
Thionville | 18.64 km |
Arlon | 27.91 km |
Merzig | 40.15 km |
Metz | 44.81 km |
Trier | 46.51 km |
Saarbrücken | 72.13 km |
Nancy | 92.19 km |
Liège | 129.33 km |
Namur | 137.4 km |
Aachen | 139.72 km |
Koblenz | 141.78 km |
Maastricht | 151.04 km |
Reims | 152.95 km |
Bonn | 153.14 km |
Charleroi | 154.73 km |
There is 0 mosque in Bettembourg and 22 in a 100 kilometers rayon.
Centre Islamique au Luxembourg | 9.81 km |
Mosquée | 15.48 km |
Association Salama | 33.22 km |
Mosquée de Metz CIMG | 45.05 km |
Imam Husain Verein e.V. | 48.12 km |
DITIB Türkisch-Islamische Gemeinde e. V. | 48.84 km |
Türkische Moschee | 55.72 km |
Bitburger Moschee | 58.58 km |
Selimiye Moschee | 61.57 km |
IGMG Ulu Camii | 65.68 km |
Mesxhidul El-Iman | 70.16 km |
Bilal Moschee | 70.37 km |