Prayers Today: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Mecca is located at 4575.07 kilometers from Bloemendaal aan Zee, the time difference is -2 hours.
Muslim salat times in Bloemendaal aan Zee today, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib & Isha'a. Get Islamic prayer time in Bloemendaal aan Zee.
Prayer times today in Bloemendaal aan Zee will start at 06:19 (Imsak) and finish at 18:29 (Isha). Bloemendaal aan Zee Netherlands is located at 4575.07 km South East to Mecca.
Prayer times list for today 06:19 (Imsak), 06:29 (Fajr), 08:34 (Sunrise), 12:32 (Dhuhr), 14:13 (Asr), 16:30 (Sunset), 16:30 (Maghrib), 18:29 (Isha).
Latitude: 52.4014306
Longitude: 4.5444235
Altitude: 0
November 2024 Bloemendaal aan Zee |
December 2024 Bloemendaal aan Zee |
January 2025 Bloemendaal aan Zee |
February 2025 Bloemendaal aan Zee |
March 2025 Bloemendaal aan Zee |
Haarlem | 7.1 km |
Heemstede | 7.62 km |
Velsen-Zuid | 9.83 km |
Beverwijk | 12.24 km |
Hoofddorp | 14.56 km |
Haarlem | 7.1 km |
Hoofddorp | 14.56 km |
Amsterdam | 24.13 km |
Leiden | 27.05 km |
Zoetermeer | 38.07 km |
The Hague | 40.41 km |
Utrecht | 52.43 km |
Rotterdam | 53.28 km |
Amersfoort | 63.71 km |
Dordrecht | 66.2 km |
Breda | 92.44 km |
's-Hertogenbosch | 94.03 km |
There is 0 mosque in Bloemendaal aan Zee and 163 in a 100 kilometers rayon.
Kuba | 7.36 km |
Haarlem Diyanet Camii | 8.39 km |
Aksemseddin Moskee | 12.44 km |
Milis Gorus | 14.03 km |
Ar-Rahman | 15.33 km |
Rabitha Al Islamia | 17.2 km |
Haci Bayram Camii Osdorp | 17.35 km |
Masjid Al Mohiuddin | 17.72 km |
Cafer-i Sadik Moskee | 17.83 km |
Moskee Suleymaniye | 17.87 km |
Masjid Euromoslim Amsterdam | 17.88 km |
Faried-ul-Islam Moskee | 17.9 km |