Prayers Today: Thursday, December 5, 2024
Mecca is located at 4286.26 kilometers from Castellón de la Plana, the time difference is -2 hours.
Muslim salat times in Castellón de la Plana today, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib & Isha'a. Get Islamic prayer time in Castellón de la Plana.
Prayer times today in Castellón de la Plana will start at 06:20 (Imsak) and finish at 19:06 (Isha). Castellón de la Plana Spain is located at 4286.26 km East to Mecca.
Prayer times list for today 06:20 (Imsak), 06:30 (Fajr), 08:05 (Sunrise), 12:51 (Dhuhr), 15:17 (Asr), 17:36 (Sunset), 17:36 (Maghrib), 19:06 (Isha).
Latitude: 39.98635482788086
Longitude: -0.051324598491191864
Altitude: 50
November 2024 Castellón de la Plana |
December 2024 Castellón de la Plana |
January 2025 Castellón de la Plana |
February 2025 Castellón de la Plana |
March 2025 Castellón de la Plana |
Almassora | 4.4 km |
Vila-real | 6.67 km |
Borriana | 11.12 km |
Onda | 18.2 km |
Sagunt | 39.19 km |
Valencia | 63.76 km |
Reus | 162.13 km |
Tarragona | 166.91 km |
Alicante | 186.03 km |
Lleida | 189.8 km |
Albacete | 190.52 km |
Zaragoza | 197.67 km |
Torrevieja | 228.81 km |
Palma | 236.01 km |
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat | 238.88 km |
Murcia | 240.32 km |
Barcelona | 243.9 km |
There is 0 mosque in Castellón de la Plana and 0 in a 100 kilometers rayon.