Prayers Today: Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Mecca is located at 1617.59 kilometers from Larnaca, the time difference is -1 hour.
Muslim salat times in Larnaca today, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib & Isha'a. Get Islamic prayer time in Larnaca.
Prayer times today in Larnaca will start at 05:07 (Imsak) and finish at 18:02 (Isha). Larnaca Cyprus is located at 1617.59 km North West to Mecca.
Prayer times list for today 05:07 (Imsak), 05:17 (Fajr), 06:47 (Sunrise), 11:42 (Dhuhr), 14:19 (Asr), 16:37 (Sunset), 16:37 (Maghrib), 18:02 (Isha).
Latitude: 34.91666793823242
Longitude: 33.633331298828125
Altitude: 7
November 2024 Larnaca |
December 2024 Larnaca |
January 2025 Larnaca |
February 2025 Larnaca |
March 2025 Larnaca |
Nicosia | 37.61 km |
Protaras | 39.96 km |
Limassol | 60.52 km |
Paphos | 111.25 km |
Bozyazı | 144.82 km |
Nicosia | 37.61 km |
Limassol | 60.52 km |
Beirut | 205.72 km |
Latakia | 206.93 km |
Tripoli | 208.27 km |
Tyre | 232.94 km |
Alanya | 233.6 km |
Tarsus | 249.42 km |
Karaman | 253.96 km |
Haifa | 266.81 km |
Antakya | 270.96 km |
Adana | 276.48 km |
There are 2 mosques in Larnaca and 33 in a 100 kilometers rayon.
Tusla |
Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque |
Türkmenköy Camii | 21.64 km |
Veyselliler Cami | 34.43 km |
Zafer Camii | 34.63 km |
Ulu Camii | 34.9 km |
Selim II Mosque Islamic Cultural Center | 35.46 km |
Polatpaşa Cami | 35.87 km |
Lala Mustafa Paşa Camii - St. Nicolas Katedrali | 36.48 km |
Atlılar Mosque | 36.68 km |
Ömeriye Mosque | 37.4 km |
Selimiye Camii (St Sophia Cathedral) | 37.84 km |