Prayers Today: Saturday, December 21, 2024
Mecca is located at 4119.09 kilometers from Ludwigsfelde, the time difference is -2 hours.
Muslim salat times in Ludwigsfelde today, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib & Isha'a. Get Islamic prayer time in Ludwigsfelde.
Prayer times today in Ludwigsfelde will start at 05:57 (Imsak) and finish at 17:56 (Isha). Ludwigsfelde Germany is located at 4119.09 km South East to Mecca.
Prayer times list for today 05:57 (Imsak), 06:07 (Fajr), 08:12 (Sunrise), 12:05 (Dhuhr), 13:40 (Asr), 15:58 (Sunset), 15:58 (Maghrib), 17:56 (Isha).
Latitude: 52.301143646240234
Longitude: 13.261627197265623
Altitude: 62
November 2024 Ludwigsfelde |
December 2024 Ludwigsfelde |
January 2025 Ludwigsfelde |
February 2025 Ludwigsfelde |
March 2025 Ludwigsfelde |
Potsdam | 16.72 km |
Werder | 23.85 km |
Luckenwalde | 24.38 km |
Königs Wusterhausen | 24.65 km |
Berlin | 26.24 km |
Potsdam | 16.72 km |
Berlin | 26.24 km |
Magdeburg | 113.48 km |
Leipzig | 123.27 km |
Halle (Saale) | 126.18 km |
Halle-Neustadt | 130.43 km |
Gorzów Wielkopolski | 142.42 km |
Dresden | 142.99 km |
Szczecin | 152.65 km |
Zielona Góra | 159.03 km |
Chemnitz | 165.61 km |
Wolfsburg | 169.14 km |
There is 0 mosque in Ludwigsfelde and 29 in a 100 kilometers rayon.
Mescid Al Farouq | 17.19 km |
Valide Sultan Camii | 19.65 km |
Emir Sultan | 21.82 km |
Alevitischer Kulturverein Berlin e.V. Oniki Imam Yolu/Weg der Zwölf Imame | 23.13 km |
Hamidiye Camii | 23.47 km |
Inssan-Moschee | 23.89 km |
Osman Gazi Camii | 24.02 km |
Al-Torath e.V. | 24.04 km |
Islamisches Kulturzentrum der Bosniaken in Berlin | 24.65 km |
Zentralmoschee | 24.71 km |
Deutsch-libanesische Al-Balagh e.V. | 25.35 km |
Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee | 25.61 km |