Prayers Today: Thursday, December 26, 2024
Mecca is located at 3224.27 kilometers from San Giorgio a Cremano, the time difference is -2 hours.
Muslim salat times in San Giorgio a Cremano today, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib & Isha'a. Get Islamic prayer time in San Giorgio a Cremano.
Prayer times today in San Giorgio a Cremano will start at 05:37 (Imsak) and finish at 18:15 (Isha). San Giorgio a Cremano Italy is located at 3224.27 km East to Mecca.
Prayer times list for today 05:37 (Imsak), 05:47 (Fajr), 07:24 (Sunrise), 12:03 (Dhuhr), 14:23 (Asr), 16:43 (Sunset), 16:43 (Maghrib), 18:15 (Isha).
Latitude: 40.8344841003418
Longitude: 14.344744682312012
Altitude: 64
November 2024 San Giorgio a Cremano |
December 2024 San Giorgio a Cremano |
January 2025 San Giorgio a Cremano |
February 2025 San Giorgio a Cremano |
March 2025 San Giorgio a Cremano |
Portici | 2.31 km |
Ercolano | 2.97 km |
Volla | 4.7 km |
Torre del Greco | 5.37 km |
Motta Sant'Anastasia | 6.19 km |
Salerno | 39.54 km |
Foggia | 122.49 km |
Pescara | 181.06 km |
Rome | 194.9 km |
Bari | 215 km |
Taranto | 248.88 km |
Perugia | 300.23 km |
Messina | 311.07 km |
Palermo | 313.48 km |
Reggio Calabria | 322.44 km |
Split | 343.73 km |
Catania | 374.78 km |
There is 0 mosque in San Giorgio a Cremano and 0 in a 100 kilometers rayon.